No matter whether you are becoming a grandparent for the first time or whether you’re already a seasoned grandparent, you may want to learn how to become “cooler” in the eyes of your grandchildren.
Being a grandparent is a special gift and for many is one of the most exciting periods of their lives.
Knowing what a defines a “cool grandparent” can help you make small changes in how you act around your grandchildren and can help to forge stronger bonds with them, too.
We’ve created a step-by-step how to become a cool grandparent guide below to help:
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Being a cool grandparent allows you to forge stronger bonds with your grandchildren.
72% of grandparents say that the role of being a grandparent is the single most important and satisfying thing in their life.
Here is a step-by-step guide to becoming a cool grandparent
Step 1: Be a rock-solid foundation of love
Make sure your grandchildren know that no matter what happens, they are always safe and loved at their grandparent’s house.
Step 2: Generosity is key
Cool grandparents know that small, thoughtful gifts can brighten their grandchild’s day.
They remember what it was like parenting and they offer to hang out with their grandchildren so their children can recharge.
Step 3: Become tech-savvy
You don’t need to be a tech wizard to be a cool grandparent.
Simply, knowing how to text or use an iPad to keep connected will seem very cool to your grandchildren.
Step 4: Share life experience and knowledge
Cool grandparents always have an interesting history and plenty of life knowledge.
Share your knowledge on how to deal with difficult situations, but know how to maintain a healthy distance without meddling.
Step 5: A good sense of humour
Share jokes and always be up for a good time.
Tell your grandchildren funny stories about your family’s past while you were all growing up.
Step 6: Keep up with the latest trends
You don’t need to buy a crop-top or a snapback to appear cool in front of your grandchildren.
But keeping up with the latest trends about the latest music, technology, sport and even dance moves will impress your grandchildren. Ever heard of the dab?
Step 7: Teach your grandchildren a new skill
Cool grandparents share their skills to benefit their grandchildren.
Mentor and teach them your craft, or even learn a new one together.
Step 8: Be spontaneous and try new things
See the third act of life as an opportunity to tick off the to-do list that got put aside when you were busy parenting.
Cool grandparents take the view that “you are never too old” to try something new and live for the moment.
Step 9: Project confidence
Be comfortable enough in your own skin to wear what feels right.
Know that you are who you are and be happy with that.
Step 10: Prepare for the future
Always be prepared for the unexpected e.g. tissues for a runny nose and plasters for a grazed knee. Consider giving your grandchilren a financial head-start by opening a savings plan to help them with university fees or buying their first homes in the future.
Grandparent’s have a special place in every child’s heart, no matter how cool you are. But, of course, being cool helps!