We are excited to re-launch our Over 50s Life Insurance Plan, offering an increased cash lump sum to the premium payer’s family. This means that our customers can have even more peace of mind that funeral costs up to the amount of the guaranteed cash lump sum will be taken care of on their behalf when they die, rather than the burden being passed on to their loved ones.

The Shepherds Friendly ‘Over 50s Life Insurance’ is available to anyone between the ages 50 and 80, and already includes a guaranteed cash lump sum on death. However, despite offering guaranteed acceptance with no medical required, we have decided to improve our plan even further by increasing the guaranteed cash lump sum that the premium payer’s family will receive when they die. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the Over 50’s Plan plan gives you more than just peace of mind for your family’s financial security, and also gives access to additional benefits such as access to financial support for any queries you might have through a dedicated team of partner advisers over the telephone or via email.

The new improvements to the plan have been supported internally at Shepherds Friendly with our Managing Director, Kim Harris, stating that “the Shepherds Friendly Over 50’s Life Plan now offers even more peace of mind to our customers through its increased guaranteed cash lump sum, which also makes it one of the most competitive products on the market.” Kim Harris continued to explain that taking an over 50’s plan would give customers similar benefits to the societies existing members which includes the aforementioned financial support from a team of partner financial advisers.

If you would like any more information or to apply for our ‘Over 50s Life Insurance’ plan then you can find out more by clicking here or by calling sales support on 0800 526 429.